Cara Paling Mudah Membuat Halaman (Fan Page) Di Facebook 2012

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jam tangan online

Nah, semoga informasi membuat fan page ini bermanfaat bagi Anda yang ingin membuat fanpage bisnis. Semoga bisnis anda sukses nantinya ;) 

Semoga Berkenan

"Leaders Bantam Parliament has the authority, to call the relevant agencies to resolve problems of insurance and clothing," Hartono said by telephone.He said the council to resolve internal problems do not need to wear emotions, but can be solved either by the chairman of the board. Because, chairman of the board are leaders capable of creating a conducive atmosphere in the internal board."If there is good faith, then this problem would be easily resolved without the formation of the investigative team. That is, still require in-depth study to establish an investigative team, "he said.With the establishment of investigative teams, Hartono, then prove that the chairman of the board can not resolve internal problems or are not capable of working."Resolving the problems of insurance and the board is unable to dress, let alone ngurusin people of Banten," he said.He hopes, clothing and insurance debate can be resolved amicably and quickly by the House leadership. Course completion must be correct and orderly manner in accordance with applicable regulations."So the fore issues of insurance and clothing does not happen again in the internal board," he said.Unlike the last two fractions, chairman of the Democratic Faction Media Warman have their own opinion. According to insurance and clothing is the right board and family council members is set by law. Inadequate care of the insurer, the complaint seems to be a member of the board.