Interesting fact about Saturn

Many astronomers contemplate Saturn the foremost lovely planet within the solar system thanks to its gorgeous rings. In fact, Saturn's nickname is "the jewel of the solar system."a
Saturn is that the second-largest planet in our solar system once Jupiter, that is regarding two hundredth larger than Saturn. Earth is that the fifth-largest planet in our solar system.b
Saturn isn't the sole planet with rings. Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune even have rings, though they're abundant fainter and fewer spectacular than Saturn's.f
Saturn is that the least dense planet within the solar system, and if there have been a body of water giant enough to carry Saturn, the world would float. In distinction, Earth and Mercury would sink the fastest.f
On July 1, 2004, the Cassini-Huygens was the primary spacecraft to orbit Saturn. Launched on October fifteen, 1997, it traveled over a pair of,000,000,000 miles at a speed of seventy,700 miles per hour before it reached the ringed planet. Its mission has been extended to 2012.c
The first spacecraft to fly by Saturn was Pioneer eleven, that blasted off in 1973 and fell upon Saturn in 1979. Voyagers one and a pair of conjointly completed fly-bys in 1980 and 1981. Voyager one is currently the farthest human-made object in area.i
Scientists believe that Saturn is approximately -350° F (-212° C). The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth is -129° F (-89° C).b
Approximately 750 Earths might match into Saturn

Saturn is seventy four,898 miles (120,537 km.) wide, nearly ten times wider than Earth. Approximately 750 Earths might match inside Saturn.f
Nearly 1,600 Saturns might match within the Sun.f
A year on Earth is 365.256 days. A year on Saturn is ten,759.22 days.f
A day on Earth is twenty four hours. on a daily basis on Saturn is ten hours thirty-nine minutes.f
Winds in Saturn's atmosphere travel up to one,100 miles (1,800 km.) per hour, abundant faster than those on Jupiter. The strongest tornadoes on Earth have reached speeds of solely regarding three hundred miles (483 km.) per hour.b
Storms on Saturn will last for months or maybe years. A long-lived 2004 storm on Saturn, named the "Dragon Storm," created mega-lightening one,000 times a lot of powerful than lightening on Earth.c
In early 2010, amateur astronomers noticed a colossal ammonia blizzard raging on Saturn. The monster storm is 5 times larger than "Snowmageddon," the snowstorm that stop working Washington D.C. in February 2010.k
The Assyrians, who lived in modern-day Iraq, were the primary to record sighting Saturn in 700 B.C. They referred to as the world the Star of Ninib, once the Assyrian sun god of spring.i
The planet Saturn is known as once the Roman god of farming, Saturn, who was conjointly the daddy of the Roman god Jupiter. The planet's image may be a sickle, a tool that belonged to the Roman god of harvest and was conjointly the weapon Cronos used to castrate and depose his father, Uranus.a
As the seventh day of the week, Saturday is known as once Saturn, the farthest of the seven objects within the solar system known in earlier period.a
Many of Saturn's moons are named once the Titans, the large brothers and sisters of the god Saturn. Others are named once Inuit, French, and Northern European giants.c
Saturn rotates therefore quick (6,200 miles per hour) that the world bulges at its equator and its poles are flat. it's the flattest (oblate) planet within the solar system. In fact, Saturn rotates faster than the other planet aside from Jupiter.b
Discovered in 1789 by William Herschel, Saturn's moon Enceladus (named once the mythological giant) has geysers that erupt icy particles, water vapor, and organic compounds. it's the shiniest object within the solar system as a result of its icy surface reflects most of the sunshine it receives.c
The geysers on Enceladus not solely feed the rings around Saturn however conjointly could contain "ingredients for keeps." solely 2 alternative outer solar system objects have known active eruptions: Neptune's moon Triton and Jupiter's moon Io, that are believed to erupt nitrogen and sulfur, respectively.d
Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is that the solely known moon to possess a considerable atmosphere, that is 370 miles deep, ten times thicker than Earth's atmosphere. Conditions on Titan could resemble ancient Earth conditions, though at a way lower temperature.i
Saturn's moon Titan is that the second-largest moon within the solar system. solely Jupiter's moon Ganymede (named once one amongst Zeus' lovers) is larger. Titan is even larger than Mercury.f
Though Saturn's rings weren't discovered till the 1600s, some students theorize ancient cultures could have known regarding them. for instance, the Maori in New Zealand have traditionally named Saturn as Parearau, an ancient name meaning "surrounded by a scarf."a
More than the other planet in our solar system, Saturn's weather is set by conditions deep within the planet instead of by the Sun. this can be partly as a result of Saturn is thus far removed from the Sun and generates heat internally.g
Traveling to Saturn by automobile at seventy miles (117 km.) per hour would take one,292 years when Saturn is closest to Earth. it'd take one,595 years when Saturn is at its farthest.b
Because Saturn spins on a tilt, it's seasons. Summer on Saturn lasts regarding eight Earth years.b
Saturn provides off a lot of heat than it absorbs from the Sun

Saturn has no real surface. Gas merges gradually into a hot ocean of liquid hydrogen and helium. The planet's core may be a ball of rock, regarding the dimensions of Earth.b
The atmospheric pressure on Saturn is over100 times bigger than the Earth's atmospheric pressure. The pressure is therefore powerful that it squeezes gas into liquid. it'd crush any human-made spacecraft.b
Saturn provides off over twice the maximum amount heat because it receives from the Sun. Scientists believe Saturn generates heat when helium sinks slowly through liquid hydrogen deep within the world. In fact, the temperature at Saturn's core is estimated to be regarding twenty one,150° F (11,700° C), that is sort of as hot because the surface of the Sun.f
On April fourteen, 2010, NASA's Cassini orbiter captured pictures of lightening on Saturn, that allowed scientists to form the primary movie showing lightening flashes on another planet. Lightening is common on Saturn, though the bolts run solely from cloud to cloud, in contrast to the cloud-to-ground lightening on Earth.i
Saturn's ring system is extremely wide, spreading out over a distance of one hundred seventy five,000 miles (282,000 km.). If you traveled that distance from Earth, you'd be over halfway to the moon.f
Saturn's rings are solely some hundred feet thick, that is a smaller amount than 0.5 the length of a soccer field.b
Saturn's rings are made up of billions of chucks of rock and ice, ranging in size from a grain of sand to items as giant as house. they need mysterious reddish "contaminant" which may be rust or identical organic material found in red vegetables on Earth.e
Though it absolutely was once thought that they shaped round the time of the dinosaurs, data gathered from the Cassini probe suggests that Saturn has had its rings throughout its history.g
Only Jupiter has a lot of moons (63) than Saturn (61), not counting Saturn's many "moonlets."c
Because Saturn is thus far from the Sun, the Sun would seem ten times smaller viewed from Saturn than it will from Earth. On average, Earth receives ninety times a lot of daylight than Saturn.a
Galileo Galilei was the primary person to ascertain Saturn through a telescope, in 1610. He thought the rings gave the look of "ears" and were "handles" or moons. in a very secret anagram to his scientist friend Kepler, Galileo wrote he had discovered that the "highest planet" was "triple-bodied."b
An ancient Indian text, the Surya Siddhanta, closely estimates Saturn's diameter

The fifth-century B.C. text Surya Siddhanta approximated Saturn's diameter at seventy three,580 miles. The calculation was just one aloof from the currently accepted estimated of seventy four,580 miles.b
Scientists speculate that Saturn's rings could disappear in fifty million years. Saturn's gravititional pull can either suck the rings into the world, or the rings can dissolve into area.b
In astrology, Saturn is that the opposite of Jupiter. Whereas Jupiter is related to enlargement, Saturn is related to contraction. Saturn thinks about with boundaries, practicality, reality, and building/conforming to social structures.j
At its farthest purpose from the Sun (aphelion), Saturn is approximately 940 million miles (1.51 billion km.) away. When it's at its closest (perihelion), Saturn is regarding 840 million miles (1.35 billion km.) from the Sun. On average, Saturn is regarding 891 million miles (1.4 billion km.) from the Sun. Earth, on average, is 9,293,5700 miles (150 million km.) away.b
Saturn has seven main rings that accommodates thousands of smaller rings. The ring farthest from the world, the E ring, is regarding a hundred and eighty,000 miles (300,000 km.) across. In distinction, the F ring is regarding 20-300 miles (30-500 km.) wide.b
Saturn's rings appear to disappear regarding each fourteen years. Scientists believe that the rings appear to disappear when Saturn is tilted directly in line with Earth.c
Saturn's moon Titan may be a terribly noisy place. The thereforeund of the wind on Titan is intensified as a result of Titan's thick air conducts sound waves so well.f
Saturn's nearest moon takes simply twelve hours to circle the world. Its farthest moon takes over 3 Earth years.a
Planets move a lot of slowly the farther they're removed from the Sun, therefore Saturn's average velocity of half dozen miles (9.64 km.) per second appears abundant slower than Earth's eighteen.5 miles (30 km.) per second.a
Today, the word "saturnine" means that gloomy, sullen, or sluggish—most probably as an allusion to Saturn, one amongst the slowest moving planets.a
Saturn is termed a "naked eye" planet as a result of it may be seen while not a telescope or binoculars. Saturn is usually the third brightest planet within the night sky and features a yellowish color that doesn't twinkle. in contrast to stars, planets like Saturn don't twinkle as a result of they're abundant nearer to Earth than stars.f
Future missions to Saturn embrace the Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM), which is able to explore Saturn and its moons Titan and Enceladus. With a value of $2.5 billion and estimated launch in 2020, the mission includes circumnavigating Titan with a hot air balloon.h


a Bortolotti, Dan. 2003. Exploring Saturn. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books.

b Elkins-Tanton, Linda. 2006. Jupiter and Saturn. New York, NY: Chelsea House.

c Hofer, Charles. 2008. The Library of Planets: Saturn. New York, NY: The Rosen Publishing cluster.

d "'Ingredients for Life' gift on Saturn's Moon Enceladus, Say Scientists." Science Daily. February 9, 2010. Accessed: April sixteen, 2010.

e Kazan, Casey. "The New Strange and Violent Saturn: Gigantic Polar Vortex and Rings as High because the Rocky Mountains." The Daily Galaxy. March 19, 2010. Accessed: April fourteen, 2010.

f Knight, Robert N. 2006. Saturn and Uranus. Chicago, IL: World Book, Inc.

g Lorenz, Ralph. "Saturn Special: Ringing the Changes." NewsScientist. January 13, 2006. Accessed: April sixteen, 2010.

h "NASA and ESA Prioritize Outer Planet Missions." ESA. March 20, 2009. Accessed: April thirteen, 2010.

i "Saturn." World Book at NASA. Accessed: April fourteen, 2010.

j Sims, Mary Kay. 2001. A Time for Magick: Planetary Hours for Meditations. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Worldwide.
k "'Snowmageddon' on Saturn Snapped by Amateur Stargazers." NPR. Accessed: could a pair of, 2010.